How to integrate AffiliationSoftware with Google Analytics - AffiliationSoftware

How to integrate AffiliationSoftware with Google Analytics

How to integrate your affiliate network with Google Analytics

Find out how to integrate the banners and links of your affiliate network with Google Analytics, the popular web statistics platform made available for free by Google. You can integrate your affiliate network with Google Analytics to view the exact sources of traffic and conversions, even splitting it by single affiliate or advertising campaign.

Affiliate Software for Google analytics

Add parameters to the banners/links

To integrate the banners and links of your affiliate network with Google Analytics you must first add the parameters in the official tool provided directly by Google:

For example, let's assume that the site to advertise is:

Once the Google Analytics parameters have been added, the destination URL to add in AffiliationSoftware should have this format:[affid]&utm_campaign=[campaign]&utm_content=[banner]

With “utm_source=affiliationsoftware” we can channel all the traffic coming from the affiliate network. With “utm_medium=[affid]” we divide the traffic by single affiliate, based on its RefID. Finally, with "&utm_campaign=[campaign]&utm_content=[banner]" we tell analytics the exact campaign and banner used.

You can also differentiate the type of promotion, for example by entering: "utm_campaign=[campaign]-link", "utm_campaign=[campaign]-display", or " utm_campaign=[campaign]-email".

Of course this is just an example, it is possible to changes the values of the links according to your needs.

Variables available in banners/links

There are several variables that can be used in AffiliationSoftware banners and links. For example, if you enter [affid] in your destination URL, the link will return the affiliate's RefID in its place. You can see all the variables available on this page of our documentation.

View reports on Google Analytics

Once you have entered the Google Analytics parameters in your affiliate network, everything works automatically.

To view the sources of traffic and conversions on Google Analytics simply go on this page: Reports > Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium and searching for “affiliationsoftware”.

If you have the Google Analytics conversion tracking code on your site, you can also see conversions generated by affiliates from this page: Reports > Conversions > Goals > Overview and select "Source/Medium".

Article published on: 24.06.2021

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